A few pictures from England and London, I am sure KuanYee will ad a few more.
the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling
A few pictures from England and London, I am sure KuanYee will ad a few more.
Jon turns 17 today. It seemed like yesterday that I carried you in my arms for the first time but 17 years just went past so quickly.
I have learnt so much from you and I don”t say this enough but I do love you very much and am so proud of what you have achieved despite your struggles. Sometimes I forget that it has never been easy for you. This year, you graduated from middle school, sang in public at your graduation ceremony, started high school, managed to take the bus all by yourself and tried to be more independent by attending camps, bowling, and social events. Pappa and I hope that you will always be strong and focus on your determination to do your everyday tasks well. You can do it son.
Enjoy your birthday as you have chosen what you enjoy eating most. Love you to the moon and back Jonathan. We will have a great day together.
My dearest daughter
It has been quite an amazing year for you and I see that you continue to develop your interests. Your love for reading novels, writing and drawing comtinues to grow. We are particular proud of the confidence you have built in your own work amd more importantly, know your own style.
You are also more adventurous with food, and also willing to try different things. This summer, we are extremely proud you did a 4 day hike to helags with Dad and 7 day jamboree scouts camp meeting and interacting with different teens.
We hope you continue to create great memories of your teen years. Stay true to yourself. We love you and have a fantastic birthday.
Without doubt the Quek’s residence is our favourite place to hangout with the family. Every moment and occasion is precious. Thank you Queks for these precious memories. They are ingrained in us deeply. Specially so for Jon.
I wonder what is on mom’s mind. I think she is happy to see us.
Nicke and Jon made 2 trips to Sungei Buloh just to find crocodiles. They were really lucky to find it on theor second visit.
Jon finally swam with the sharks and had a great experience.
Linn had a great time adding colour to BEEB’s backyard. I am extremely proud of her persistence under the warm sun and for completing her vision. We had great fun. Thank you so much for the opportunity BEEB.
We were really lucky that a great friend kindly arranged our accomodation in this wonderful apartment where we happily called home for 3 weeks. Thank you A+A+a. We love your beautiful place…and the fantastic food within the neighbourhood. We also got to explore a whole new neighbourhood we never stayed in Singapore.
Great to catch up with my Fab8. Always wanted to join their morning walks and this time even get to celebrate their birthdays in person. Looking forward to more great times together.
This year we managed to spend more time with the very special BEEB family. Thank you for the hospitality and precious moments. Love how Beth and Elliot has grown. Love the mother my best friend has become.
How we cherish the times together. Thank you so much my dearest sister and Mr Quek…not forgetting the young Master Queks for making our trip so special. We really missed you. Love you to the moon and back.
We made it back to Singapore post covid when restrictions were eased and the three week stay was really nice. Really happy to be Singapore again and see my dearest Mom, sister, the Queks and friends again.
Our plan to visit Singapore during Christmas was impacted by the Covid restrictions. With 4 travellers flying together, we felt that we will not be able to deal with any complications. Hence, we moved the trip to summer and hopefully restrictions will be fully lifted.
It would have been great to be back for Chinese New Year. I have not been back for 3 years now and it would be wonderful to meet our family and close friends, share the joy, laughter and warmth. And not forgetting to fix all the food cravings…so I guess I just have to make do with my own home made cookies and nian gao.
Love to you all and may you have a wonderful new year with your family and loved ones.
Meet Spike, our first family pet cat. We cannot say he is our first pet as we have other aquatic pets before Spike.
We have been contemplating for the longest time if we should get a dog for the family. But we had too many concerns and Jonathan becomes anxious whenever we talk about dogs. We never really considered a cat and so I guess we just jumped straight into it.
We did not really look around either. Spike’s breeder lived in the same town and when we went to visit the 7 month old Spike, he was scared but calm. We gave it some thought and wondered if we are ready for Spike. But Spike’s mom wanted him out of the house and that makes a really good reason why we should give him a good home.
So that is how Spike came to us on 30th Dec 2021.
Jon is 16 today. How time flies. I still remember on this day 16 years ago when I held Jon in my arms in the hospital. Now, he is strong enough to lift me.
My dearest son, I wish you every happiness and joy. We are proud of your every achievements as they do not come easy. We love you so much.
May all your dreams come true my darling son. Happy birthday.