The kids went a little havoc yesterday. They took off all their clothes and ran around the house. While we were not looking…they even ran on the streets and we have to run after them to get them home. All I know is that they seem to really enjoy it and think that it is extremely funny. We find it hilarious but we definitely did not teach them this.
Nicke says that all swedish kids do this….(however, i must say that i haven’t seen any on the streets).
Fortunately, it is only 20 degrees.
LOL! Your blog is wonderful! I love reading every entry!
Szeto, if u dont see swedish naked kids, it’s not a tradition but a Nic Walls genetic disorder. Hee.
It must be “Naked Day” again!
can you give me access to the blog based on my gmail ?
so cute!! you should show them this when they are 20 yrs old!
Hey guys,
Hope everything is going well. This picture is classic. Love it!
Scott and Sue
i thought they learn this from their parents:) v cute