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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

Digitally Yours

home Posted on 2010-06-11 13:11

The digital revolution is truly daunting. I have been attending a 2 day digital training session on how to embrace the new technology as this is very much the future.

Yes I can see how social media and the web has improved our lives and gave us endless choices, possibilities, keep us connected to friends and a new definition of entertainment. I agree that it has certainly improved our lives. Like most of my peers, i facebook, blog, email and surf. But that is on top of my full time job and being mother to two very active children. So maybe women are now even better at multi-tasking but definitely, a lot more tired.

Youth these days live and breathe with WIFI. They can find everything online and don’t see the need to watch TV, radio and cinema. Who needs to watch TV when you can download the entire GLEE series online without ADs?

As much as I appreciate and enjoy the new media, i can’t help but wonder if my kids will ever enjoy the thrill of receiving a hand-written letter, and read the gossips on the actual magazine like 8 days! What will their social circle be like? How will they earn trust, honesty and respect amongst their friends? I certainly don’t hope that their most intimate relationship is with a computer and that they will be totally lost without an internet connection. Will they be able to build truly meaningful and real relationship based on trust, honesty and respect?

We cannot stop the digital evolution but we should try to nurture our children so that they can build healthy offline and online identity.

To Throw or Not to Throw

home Posted on 2010-06-10 16:30

Is it really true if you haven’t used the item for more than 3 years, you are unlikely to use it again? I know that it applies to clothes but I wonder if it applies to CD.

I have started reviewing our belongings and making hard decisions on what to throw out. I have been told by the movers that our family belongings cannot even fill a 15 foot container at the stage and yet, i am still keen on throwing some of the stuff out. I am really big on being a minimalist.

I came across my old CDs and I haven’t heard some of these CDs for more than 4 years. Who would have thought i listen to stuff by Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, Thievery Corporation, Dave Seaman etc. They remind me of my clubbing days when i am keen on dance and chill out music. But since i have the kids, the only thing I listen to regularly are baby songs.

I am still deciding if I should discard them and it is difficult. Some part of me still think that i will listen to them again. Maybe one day, when my kids stop requesting for the baby songs, i can educate them with a dosage of Fat Boy Slim. Who knows, maybe like Mummy, they will like it.

The Joys of Motherhood

home Posted on 2010-06-08 11:12

For the past month, the kids have been demanding that i read them their favourite stories from Richard Scary’s Fairy Tales. They love ‘The Gingerbread Man’, ‘3 Little Pigs’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and their current favourite is ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’.

I wonder how many times i have read the story and sometimes, in one night, more than once. I tried to hint to the kids that mummy is sleepy and tired. So i decided when Goldilocks fell asleep on the Baby Bear’s bed, Mummy will pretend to sleep as well. But of course, my little Linn will not allow it. She shook me and shouted ‘Mummy, you are not Goldilocks, you cannot go to sleep’. With that, she forced me to finish the story.

The joys of motherhood.

My Sweet Baby

home Posted on 2010-06-08 10:52

Last Sunday, when Jon and Linn went for their swimming classes with Teacher Edward. Linn only can last 15 mins of the swimming class as she told Edward with full conviction: ‘I don’t want to wet my face’. The rest of the 45 mins goes to Jon.

While we wait for Jonathan to do his laps, i took the opportunity to talk to Linn and reinforce the message of us moving to Sweden in a month’s time. I told her that she will have to say goodbye to her teachers, Ms Susan, Wang Lao Shi and all her friends in school like Anan, Casius, Aidan, Lucas, Chloe. She will also say goodbye to Grandma, Ki-en, Juwin and Yee Yee. But she will go a new school there and make loads of new friends. She will be happy.

Linn listened carefully to what i said and she nodded. She then hugged me tightly and said…’I don’t want Mummy to go away’. I want to be with Mummy’.

My baby, she says the sweetest thing sometimes.

Goodbye Mazda, Hello Audi

home Posted on 2010-06-07 09:22

‘What is my car’s name’ Linn asked one morning on the way to school. I never thought about it and never named our Mazda after my first car, Hilda the old Merc. I replied ‘Mazda’. So I took this opportunity to tell the kids that Papa has bought a new car in Sweden.

‘What is the new car’s name’ Linne asked quickly. I told her ‘Audi’. So that is how ‘Goodbye Mazda, Hello Audi’ came about. But the kids don’t want to know Audi.

‘No…it is Hello Mazda, Goodbye Audi’ our cheeky monkey says. The kids then try to teach me how to say Mazda…’No, it’s MAZda….no, it’s MazZZZZZZda…no, it’s MazDA’. They really like the Mazda.

I must say that it is a great family car. It has served us well. Just yesterday, a car dealer asked me what is the mileage. My response of 50,000 km was quite a surprise for a 2 year old car and Shu Ping asked me to check if it is correct. I thought about it. We have been making 30km trips x 2 each day with the car, picking and dropping the kids to school. We have driven to KL, Malacca and driving cross country have never been an issue for us. We sometimes just go for car rides to get them to take their afternoon naps.

So, we will miss you Mazda. Specially your sliding doors.

Birds and the Bees

home Posted on 2010-06-07 05:13

I was totally not prepared to go through the birds and bees with Linn. I know that Nicke has been telling her ‘Boys have penis and girls have vagina’ part but I wasn’t expecting her to fully understand.

Just the other day, she stood naked next to me and poked my breasts. She proudly said ‘We are Girls..we are the same’ and she proceeded to point at the groin and said ‘Boys have this long thing that shoots out’. After that, she insisted that we go to Jon, pull down his pants to examine his ‘thing’. My immediate reaction is that she cannot pull down boys’ pants to look at their ‘thing’.

I will have to explain to her that these are PRIVATE parts. Thanks to Anan’s mum who came to visit us with Anan on Saturday. She told me that she explained to her kids that only mummy and daddy are allowed to touch these parts…no one else can without permission. I think that is a good idea…so now, i will find some ways to tell her.

How time changed. I don’t think my own mum ever told me anything about the birds and the bees.

My Little Fashionista

home Posted on 2010-06-07 04:48

She is only 2 and she is already picking out her clothes, telling me that she doesn’t wear a specific dress because it is not pretty. These days, she picks her own bags and shoes too.

I know that I should let her develop her own dressing although i must say that the combinations are alittle ‘off’ sometimes. I get a little concern when she tells me she rather wears her brother’s clothes and that she prefers to wear pants.

So, i wonder if i go crazy if she picks something i don’t like. Will I let her step out the door wearing something I totally disapprove? These days, i try to influence her by telling her that the combo is not nice. Like how can you wear Bob the Builder socks with crocs and a pretty spaghetti strap floral dress? and no, you should not mix yellow with purple. and honey, yellow is not your colour.

Maybe I think that her dressing reflects on my own taste as well. I will only be deceiving myself to say i will let go and let her do her own thing. I will try to exert my influence or at least until she stops listening to me.

So now, to satisfy my little fashionista, i give her options. but i make sure that they are all approved options in the first place.

I am going to Sweden!

home Posted on 2010-06-03 09:03

My Princess Linn

Baby, I know you are really excited about going to Sweden. The teachers in school told me that you have invited all of them plus your friends to Sweden and you want to bring them all with you. I think it is really cute and I wish that i can bring them all along as well. That will make you really happy.

You are going to make a lot of new friends and I think you will like it very much. Mummy and Daddy will find a nice school for you. The only thing i worry about is that you may not get used to the new language at first but i know you will get a hang of it very quickly.

I love you,


Little Steps to a Big Change

home Posted on 2010-06-02 10:26

I have to do the inevitable and submitted the following today.

1) ‘Notice of Termination’ To Linn’s Playschool – Pat’s SchoolHouse

2) ‘Notice of Termination’ to Jon’s school – St Gerard’s School

3) ‘Letter of Resignation’ to my employer – Nokia Pte Ltd

I must say that it was difficult, specially the last one. It has been a good 7 years with Nokia – A comfortable job, good company to work for and i met some really nice people, whom i hope i will remain in contact. It is with great sadness that i handed in my resignation. Most people know anyway because of Nicke. I think it will be bigger news if I don’t join him.

The other 2 were also difficult as the schools have been good to Linn and Jonathan. They made good friends there and most importantly, they are happy.

But life goes on. I know that we have to make this move for Jonathan’s sake. Anything for our precious child.

It will be worth it. We will never know till we try.

Penny for Your Thoughts

home Posted on 2010-06-01 10:48

The kids spend quite a bit of time on the road each day…going to and from school. Sometimes I really wonder what is on Jonathan’s mind. He remains largely quiet as Linn is always monopolising the time with her singing and laughter.

In his quiet ways, Jonathan looks out of the window looking for interesting buses, cranes and STOP signs. On some occasions, he will shout out ‘Mummy, look at the Animal Bus’, ‘See the Monster Tree’ and when he is really curious, he will ask ‘Where are we going Mummy?’. On really bad days, he will take it literally and insist we stop the car to obey the STOP sign rule.

Whenever possible, i will glance at my little four year old and ask him what he did in school that day. Most of the time he ignores these questions as he continues to day dream. One day i tried so hard to probe that Linn said ‘I don’t think Kor Kor understand you, Mummy’.

If he can only share with me his thoughts…i will be so happy. Maybe one day.

But perhaps he just likes to daydream like Mummy. Whatever it is, i love you Jon.

In Preparation for a New Adventure

home Posted on 2010-05-31 07:42

Nicke left for Sweden last Friday morning to start his new job. We will join him later in July 2010. Jon and Linn are already missing Nicke and constantly asking where he is and what he is doing.

At this age, they don’t really understand that we are moving to Sweden in a month’s time. I am sure Linn is going to miss her friends at Pat’s SchoolHouse, Anan, Cassius, Wang Lao Shi and Ms Susan. She has only been told that she will be celebrating her birthday in Sweden and she is really excited about it.

But for now…Lots of stuff to do to get ready for the big move

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