Happy New Year! Hope that everyone is having a great start to the new year!

Apologies for the long silence. This winter is really hard on me. The darkness and the cold. This morning, as I was walking Linn to school, it was -17 degrees. The school usually make the kids burn off their energy in the snow for 2 hours. Today, the school decided to keep them indoors. They told me that it is too cold to be outside!

This really makes me miss the hot sweaty climate even more.

* I miss that I can just walk out in T-shirt and shorts without having to look for scarfs, gloves, thick socks and shoes always and these thick bulky jackets.

* I miss that the food remain hot on the table for a long period of time, unlike here where the food will remain warm only for a few minutes.

* I don’t have to defrost the car every morning, sweep off the snow and can drive off anytime i want in Singapore

* I don’t have to keep track of the children’s winter clothes, which are really expensive and at that age, they need to be ‘upsized’ every winter.

* Actually, sweating is quite healthy. I don’t even sweat here in summer.

* I still don’t appreciate the concept of layering!

So give me hot sweaty weather anytime!!!