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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling


home Posted on 2015-07-22 21:51

I had one of the best weekends with my really wonderful old friend Bert in Milan recently. It was simply magnificent, from the Corso apartment she arranged, to all the great restaurants we tried, and of course, the shopping. The greatest of all, was the time we spent catching up, just enjoying the friendship and time together.

Thank you Bert for everything. I will never forget this. Definitely a great way to celebrate 20 years of friendship.

Baby Boom

home Posted on 2015-07-22 21:26

Congratulations to our wonderful friends Robert and Rebecca, Marko and Sofia and Tobias and Jenny to their new additions to their family.

A cool Visitor

home Posted on 2015-07-22 21:20

Did I mention that we had a lovely visit from my sister. It was fantastic that she dropped by and spent the weekend with us. It was really great to have family over and thank you so much for the visit. Kiss Kiss. Hope you liked it.

Riga / Latvia

home Posted on 2015-07-22 21:05

For those considering a holiday, please do consider a trip to the Baltics. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are really beautiful countries. and they are not so touristy.

Experienced one of the most amazing sunsets.

Summer Vacation

home Posted on 2015-07-22 20:57

My 2 weeks summer vacation officially started on Monday, 20th July.

I finally get to spend some quality time with the kids and they have been having a great summer vacation so far with Nicke. I really missed out on a lot of road trips, visits round the country to see friends and just relaxing having fun. Unfortunately, July happens to be a difficult time for me to take vacation.

So this week, whilst Nicke is away in Florida, I took the kids to the safari in Stockholm, went to Junibacken and today we went to the Natural History Museum. It has been great listening to their thoughts, watching the silly prangs they do but not so great to intervene when things get out of control with them.

How do you stop these 2 from fighting

home Posted on 2015-07-22 20:42

I cannot imagine what it will be like it if I leave these 2 alone. The only thing they do is fight and scream at each other.

So i invent a teamwork competition. They will score points and win prizes if they are nice to each other and help each other out.

So far after 3 days…2 points for Jon and 5 points for Linn.

Of course I am all prepared that this will not work.