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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling


home Posted on 2015-04-06 16:15

This is a little city close to Köping. I must say that it is quite nice. We had a great lunch and walk around the city. Specially under the great blue skies.

Rock Climbing

home Posted on 2015-04-06 16:06

The children love rock climbing but of course, i get a little anxious to see them climb so high.

Jon and Linn take after Nicke. They love the outdoor and love running around the forests, Unlike me. I have been living and breathing the city for too long. I just need to get out there more often and enjoy the clean fresh air.

I painted my first Easter Egg

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:57

I guess it is never too late…and i really enjoyed it.

Easter Break

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:54

We had a fantastic time this Easter at Farmor’s house. Linn went around the neighbourhood collecting easter ‘godis’. Her cousins and her dressed up in traditional costume and wore very interesting makeup. I did not noticed it but an old childhood friend of mine, Pang Kai Wei pointed out to me that they look like russian dolls.
True indeed.

Thank You Mr Lee

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:49

Words cannot describe how i feel about Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s passing. An extraodinary man who executed his vision not only with excellence but built a remarkable country over a short period of time.

I expressed my sadness to a Swedish friend who has no idea of who Mr Lee is and what he had done for Singapore. His first question was..’Was he a dictator?’. Sadly, my answer did raise question why Singapore would mourn for the loss of a dictator.

I guess perhaps Singaporeans can understand why his ‘dictatorship’ worked at a time that was most needed. He governed Singapore like how a father will look after his child. Without him, we would definitely not have a successful Singapore. Without him, I could not answer with pride when someone ask where i am from.

Thank you Mr Lee. May you rest in peace.

Katy Perry

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:30

Nicke brought Linn to her first pop concert in March..a Katy Perry one. She has been a big fan and has been ROARing to us for quite a while. We thought she would be really excited. But i guess it was way past her bed time and she fell asleep at the end. Hilarious!!
Meanwhile, mummy had a great time snuggling with Jonathan.