Based on recent conversations between Linn and I, in her tone and manner.
Dear Mummy
You know you said I am naughty and I don’t listen to you. But I listened mummy. I just cannot remember. But you know Mummy, you are alittle like me, you do not listen to me too. Naughty mummy, naughty mummy. I tell you again and again that I don’t want my toys like this. But why you do that?
I am a big girl now and I can do many things myself. I do not need you to brush my teeth, shower, go with me to the toilet, pour milk and cornflakes for me for breakfast. I want to do myself. I know you get very angry when i spill milk and water all the time on the table but it’s ok mummy. Don’t worry.
You know Mummy, you ask me to choose between a Princess party or Hello Kitty party for my birthday next week. But why I cannot have a Hello Kitty Princess party? I want 2! I don’t want to choose.
and Mummy, i really want a puppy like Bawser next door. I don’t understand why you asked me who is going to look after the puppy when we go on holidays. But YOU are mummy. You can do it mummy.
Tomorrow Mummy is Saturday. I like Saturday because I get lots of candy. Can I see the candy before you give to Jonathan and me? I want to count the candy. Maybe you can give the candy to me first and I share with Jonathan?
You know, I like it very much that you read to me every night. I don’t think 4 stories is a lot. But I also want you to sleep with me because I am scared of the monsters that will look for me when I sleep. So, you must protect me. You cannot go to Jonathan because I will cry.
I know Mummy you are tired. You can go to sleep now but you have to pat me first to sleep. On my bum bum please? Thank you.
I love you mummy!