We have been disciplining our little one. We have been telling her if she continues to misbehave, she will not go with us to LegoLand next month. Nichlas and I will bring only Jonathan with us to LegoLand. Jonathan has been only talking about Legoland for the past 2 weeks and I think he is really looking forward to the trip.
But Linn continued to disobey and we finally told her that we have to exclude her from the trip. She whined a little bit but calmly said that if she cannot go to Legoland, she needs me to stay at home with her because she cannot be alone.
Tough love needed :)Hey Szeto … can you pls change my email add to AnnaAnnOoi@gmail.com? Thks 🙂
i think you should leave linn behind too, otherwise Linn will not take your words for it next time.
Well, I’m sure there’s a solution to that. Just don’t take her to legoland please!!!!
this da yi is speechless too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!