Thanks Chien for your very good response and sharing the hardship of motherhood. It is definitely more than a full time job requiring 24/7 focus and attention…and lots and lots of patience.
I agree with you totally about those ‘self help’ book on how to raise the perfect kid. I stopped at the ‘What to expect Toddler’ book and never was motivated to buy any other book. I prefer to read some chic fic – more entertaining and light-hearted. I also stopped watching Super Nanny because it only shows these success stories within minutes. I am unsure about the time-out naughty corner. I think my kids have a different interpretation of ”naughty corner”‘….they sit there and think of more naughty things to do.
Linn has just been impossible these days. Maybe because she is very constipated but she disagrees and finds fault in everything. She whines all the time with “I don’t want this …”..or ‘”not like this'”. The princess wants everything to be done in a certain way. Her Way. When I lost my temper and told her loudly to give me a break…her retort is ‘I don’t want you to shout at me’. Really impossible.
And 1 + 1 is not equal to 2. Today, when I brought Jonathan for an assessment on his fine motor skills, he was the perfect angel, following instructions and completing his tasks. He is really fantastic when he is not with Linn. Somehow, together, they create more chaos!
Ok, enough of my whining. My kids drive me insane but I love them dearly and can’t live without them. These days, I just eat ice cream to cool myself down and to nurse my sore throat.
I know I shdn’t be, but what you wrote made me laugh. Y? Well, (1) love the way you think & write & (2) it made me feel like I’m not alone, as Felicia is acting like the princess too – wanting everything done her way, at her time. Drives me totally insane. However, all it takes is a smile from her, & my heart melts & everything is forgotten & forgiven.
So, totally understand how you feel.
One thing I keep telling myself as self-consolation is .. if our children are voicing their displeasure or demanding for their rights, it shows that they have a voice & they are not puppets 🙂
Hang in there!