I was reading the article in Marie Claire and started to think about what I would tell my teenage self. I guess these will be my top few…The entire list will put you to sleep…:)
1. It will be more interesting to take time to discover more about yourself, build your own individual style than to follow others blindly.
2. Enjoy frivolous romances but that is not love. Adult relationship is alot more complicated, intense and definitely not ‘happily ever after’.
3. Your life is not determined by the A’levels. Some of the more interesting people you will meet may not have a degree. In fact, no one (ok..maybe your first employer) will ever ask you about your education!
4. You will not always get what you want in life.Whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.
5. Your parents and sisters will mean alot to you in time to come.
So what’s yours?