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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

Missing Singapore

home Posted on 2010-09-17 08:05

From time to time, I will check with the kids on how they feel about the move to Sweden. Jonathan says he likes ‘Sweden’. But Linn says that she wants to go back to Singapore. When I probe further to find out what exactly she misses, she says that she wants to go home to Anan and she misses him. He is her best friend!!!

So maybe it is just Anan she misses and not Singapore.

Miss Smarty Pants

home Posted on 2010-09-17 07:58

Nicke and I have finally started to give candies to the kids. But they only eat candies on Saturdays. This means that they have to be good for the rest of the week to earn their candies for Saturday.

Last night, in an attempt to get the kids to finish their dinner, i made a mistake by saying that the kid who finishes first will get a lollipop. Jon was motivated and he ate up everything on his bowl immediately. Linn did not care and chose not to finish her dinner.

When Jon tried to claim his reward, Linn casually said : ‘Mummy, it’s not Saturday today and so Jonathan cannot get candy’.
