It has been one tiring week. I am physically exhausted from running after the children and trying to bid for the house. Just realised that we have been here for 3 weeks!
The kids are alright but starting to hate the service apartment we are in. It is small and cosy for now but i guess they miss the space and their toys. It is not easy to be coop out in a one bedroom and they make so much noise that the neighbours have started complaining and giving me the dagger looks when we see them in the hallway. From this experience, we confirmed that we cannot live in Sweden’s apartments because it is hard for kids to be quiet and tip toe on wooden flooring. When Jon and Linn screams, the entire building can hear it.
So, we spend quite a bit of time at the playground where the kids can jump around. I can see Linn is desperate for new friends. The other day when she spotted a girl her age at the slide, she asked me if the girl can be her new friend. She also told me to sit with the girl’s mother at the bench so that she can mingle and try to get the girl to be her friend!!!
Jon, being the opposite, told a little boy to ‘Go Away!’ at the playground.

One day, as I watch Jon play, an old Swedish lady approached me, after observing us for a while. She smiled and told me that I can only watch him play for a few years as kids grow up very quickly.
So as tired and frustrated as I am, I will try to cherish this time with them.