Have been focusing on the kids for the past 3 days, making sure that they have their meals, go to the washroom, have decent showers and cleaning the service apartment.
Yes, the definition of service apartment is different in Sweden. Service Apartment does not come with any housekeeping service. ‘Guests’ must do their own cleaning and laundry. The only service is that they provide you with cable, water and heat.
The weather has not been too good and it has been rainy most of the past few days. Only managed to bring the kids to the playground yesterday morning.
I must say that it will take a while for me to get used to this. Right now, i am trying to stay zen from the kids’ shouting, screaming and jumping around the furniture. I pity the other guests in the building.
Can I be naughty and leave them in their naughty corner all day?
Self-service apartments? Hmmm could be a new business model ;). No one else around w kids???
yes, you can go “insane” with the kids if you can’t bring them out. Watching TV is the easiest to pass time but one of the most damaging. Try listing down some activities, and aim to do them together with the kids. if you get to do them, im sure you will feel “accomplished”……. better than satisfaction from work!
I am afriad to imagine what does a non service apt come with? Just 4 walls and a roof?