Apologies for the silence. Have been too busy with the packing, farewell parties, get-togethers and handover of the apartment and workstuff etc.
We are finally leaving tonight. It has been hard and sad…saying goodbye to so many dear friends. Today, at Jon’s school, I was in tears. The kids don’t really understand it and they are taking it very well. No tears but just smiles. But I really feel it. I am wondering if I am getting cold feet.
Well, there is no turning back now. So we will see you in Sweden.
yes, I totally agree. only natural to feel this way – such a HUGE change in your life, on all counts – new country, new career, new lifestyle. give yourself time to adjust and you’d do great 🙂
it is only natural to feel this way. But you will now embarking on a new journey with your family! Think of all the fun stuff you will do with Nick, John and Lyn. We will see u soon! Xxoo