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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

The countdown begins

home Posted on 2010-07-12 15:06

12 days more before we leave for Sweden. I have been continuously preparing the kids telling them that they will have to say goodbye to their good friends. Today, Linn said that she wants to bring her best friend, Anan with her and also Wang Lao Shi.

I tried to explain that she will be meeting lots of new friends. Her new friends will be speaking swedish and she will have to learn to speak Swedish so that she can talk to them. She cracks me up by responding..

“I cannot speak Swedish like Papa. I can only speak English and Chinese you know”.

What a weekend!

home Posted on 2010-07-12 14:46

It has been one hectic weekend and Nicke and I tried to cramp too many things in. We started with doing some shopping for household items – such as humidifiers (which we never thought we will buy) and a new lap top but my CTO just didn’t see anything he approved. I really like the look of the Mac but i can’t imagine not getting continuous 24/7 troubleshooting support. (My CTO confessed that he is not a Mac expert).

We also bought a really large suitcase since we will be living in a service apartment for at least the first 2 months.

We attended a few farewell dos, met up with friends all weekend. And even tried to sell our Mazda 5.

Somehow, the farewell parties are rather difficult. We have made some really good friends over the years and it is really hard to say goodbye. I actually hate goodbyes and the more I focus on it, the more emotional I get. So maybe, it is better to trick my heart by not thinking about it.

and to end it off, one really long tiring, frustrating end to the World Cup. Don’t get me wrong, I am really happy for the well-deserved winning team. But it was a really boring and irritating game to watch. Shouldn’t have bothered waking up to watch it.

and which explains why i am tired and extremely sleepy as i write this.