Hi cousins
It will be great to have you in sweden.
Don´t worry it´s warm here to, right now about 28* C.
Gustav & Elin
the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling
Hi cousins
It will be great to have you in sweden.
Don´t worry it´s warm here to, right now about 28* C.
Gustav & Elin
It has been a really sick weekend. I can’t recall when i was this sick. Not being able to taste, smell and sleep for almost one week, it is really starting to hit my spirits.
On Saturday, I scratched the car as I was driving out of McDonald’s carpark. Really badly. But I couldn’t concentrate with kids screaming, a blocked nose and an infection that has affected my nerves.
And at the airport, Jon had an accident on the trolley and bruised his lips. Really badly!
And Jon’s and Linn’s first sleepover party at my sister’s place didn’t work too well. They just can’t sleep. I have to bring the screaming and sobbing kids home at 11.30 pm ( yes, in the middle of the Germany vs Argentina game).
I guess Saturday was really not my day!
The only relief was Nicke’s returned and it was good to have him home. Finally.
Maybe it’s the five days of heavy drugs and misery that makes me really short tempered but I am furious that Ironman is gone.
I asked Jonathan when I noticed that Ironman is missing…”Where is Ironman?”
Jonathan replied after a lot of pushing ” He has gone out the window”.
“Why did you throw him out the window?” I asked controlling my temper
Jonathan innocently said “He needs to go home”..”to get some energy”.
This is the second time he ‘lost’ the Ironman and I don’t think this time, there will be a replacement.
I wonder if I should be more worried if someone downstairs was hit by Ironman or my son’s wierd sense of humour.