I caught a really bad cold as a result of getting drenched in the rain on Friday. I haven’t been able to taste anything for the past 2 days and Nichlas would have said that i have ‘snot’ paper everywhere. But does that mean my 2 kids will let me just lie in bed and feel sorry for myself? The answer is obvious.

We went to a Birthday Party at the Zoo on Saturday to celebrate Janelle’s and Jerrisa’s birthday. It was fun except that i had to park like 2 km from the car park. (The usual car park was full). The kids had a great time with the carousel ride, magic show, KFC food, and cake. Linn and Jon were happy with their goodie present (Mr Potato Head for Linn and Buzz Lightyear for Jon).

I found out a few new things about my kids. Linn knows how to play ‘Musical Chairs’ and Jonathan is getting better at parties. But still, he likes to take refuge in his ‘throne’. So it was not surprising when Jonathan said that he wanted to do ‘No 2’ during the birthday party. At the toilet, I kept asking him the usual ‘Are you done yet?’ as I know he was doing this to avoid going back to the party. I had to tell him that we are going home to get ice cream in order for him to get out of toilet.

I brought Linn to my ‘soiree’ party organised by my colleagues. They can now understand why i look exhausted every Monday morning. One told me that she needs to lie down just by watching her in action after one hour.

Sunday was another fun-filled day of swimming class in the pouring rain, shopping in the afternoon, and then po-piah dinner at the Queks.

I wonder what kind of weekends we will have in Sweden. Definitely not a quiet one with my 3 kids.