Is it really true if you haven’t used the item for more than 3 years, you are unlikely to use it again? I know that it applies to clothes but I wonder if it applies to CD.
I have started reviewing our belongings and making hard decisions on what to throw out. I have been told by the movers that our family belongings cannot even fill a 15 foot container at the stage and yet, i am still keen on throwing some of the stuff out. I am really big on being a minimalist.
I came across my old CDs and I haven’t heard some of these CDs for more than 4 years. Who would have thought i listen to stuff by Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, Thievery Corporation, Dave Seaman etc. They remind me of my clubbing days when i am keen on dance and chill out music. But since i have the kids, the only thing I listen to regularly are baby songs.
I am still deciding if I should discard them and it is difficult. Some part of me still think that i will listen to them again. Maybe one day, when my kids stop requesting for the baby songs, i can educate them with a dosage of Fat Boy Slim. Who knows, maybe like Mummy, they will like it.
Hope you haven’t thrown them… I MAY LIKE THEM!!!
dont throw them, we need them o the kids might like them when they grow up