Last Sunday, when Jon and Linn went for their swimming classes with Teacher Edward. Linn only can last 15 mins of the swimming class as she told Edward with full conviction: ‘I don’t want to wet my face’. The rest of the 45 mins goes to Jon.
While we wait for Jonathan to do his laps, i took the opportunity to talk to Linn and reinforce the message of us moving to Sweden in a month’s time. I told her that she will have to say goodbye to her teachers, Ms Susan, Wang Lao Shi and all her friends in school like Anan, Casius, Aidan, Lucas, Chloe. She will also say goodbye to Grandma, Ki-en, Juwin and Yee Yee. But she will go a new school there and make loads of new friends. She will be happy.
Linn listened carefully to what i said and she nodded. She then hugged me tightly and said…’I don’t want Mummy to go away’. I want to be with Mummy’.
My baby, she says the sweetest thing sometimes.
aaaaaaaso cute my little girl