Jon has never been good at posing. Unlike his sister who loves the camera, he cannot stand still in front of the camera and makes funny faces all the time.
But i managed to get some good shots of him which i am pretty happy with.
the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling
Jon has never been good at posing. Unlike his sister who loves the camera, he cannot stand still in front of the camera and makes funny faces all the time.
But i managed to get some good shots of him which i am pretty happy with.
We went on a good 6 days holiday to Scotland over Easter. I must say that it was alot better than what I expected. The weather was fantastic and we had sunny blue clear skies for 6 days.
Wish I could say that the children were well behaved but they were fighting all the time and need timeout away from each other.
We spent 6 days looking around the city, enjoying some good Indian food, fish and chips, and just going from castles to castles.
Definitely a great trip!
Hope everyone had a great Easter!
Nicke has taught Linn almost everything. Reading, maths, biking, skating, skiing, swimming, dancing, climbing trees and even playing video games.
I haven’t been able to teach her much…but I am so happy to teach her how to blow bubblegum.
That make me so so proud!!!
We only get to see them once a year. They seem to have grown so quickly.
Juwin is 16 this year. It seems just yesterday that I held him in my arms when he was born in London.
Ki-en has a love hate relationship with Linn but Jonathan loves him dearly.
Evan is so sweet and smart. Linn and Evan get along so well.
Kyle is so special and loves to cuddle up with Jonathan and Nicke.
We will miss you so much.
Linn spent more time with PoPo this holiday. Although they can hardly communicate, they managed to spend some special time together.
It was Chinese New Year 2014. We were passing by Macpherson Road and Linn was intrigued by a traditional Dragon and Lion Dance as part of the Chinese New Year celebration.
She asked me if she can go take look at the dance from the gate of the office building. She then was invited by the office staff to stand closer for a better view. She then asked permission to touch the dragon.
The next thing I know is that she somehow got herself in the company photo!
Definitely not a shy one!
Dear Jonathan
When i look at this picture of you, I see how far you have become. You no longer look like a little boy and you are growing up nicely. That makes me happy and proud.
I know it can be hard to understand many things around you. But daddy and mummy just hope that you will continue to grow big and strong and most important, you are happy.
We love you so very much.
Love you always,
Nicke and i thought that it is important for the kids to experience Chinese New Year as it is a very important Chinese tradition. We went back to Singapore for a short holiday and had a wonderful holiday in Bali with the family.
Bali was really great and we had a fantastic time with the family. It truly meant a great deal to me.
Jon and Linn had a great time spending time with Grandma, aunts, uncles, nephews. For us, it was special where we stayed in our old Wilkie 48 apartment, where we started our little family.
I think we should really try to come back every Chinese New Year if we can.
For those family and friends we did not manage to meet up in Singapore, our sincere apologies. We promise to make arrangements next time.
It has been quite a year. So many new experiences, so many new thoughts.
I can only say that I am thankful for all I have, my family, friends and loved ones for their love and support. I couldn’t have done better without you. Thank you for being there for me.
Here’s wishing all a wonderful and great 2014!
Time flies! Jonathan turns 8 today.
He got his favourite Lego box and it is the start of school holidays for one week.
Happy birthday, our sweet Jonathan. We love you so very very much.
The weather was perfect in Sweden but we have long booked our 8 days holiday to Mallorca Spain.
It was almost 30 degrees in Mallorca everyday and the poor kids were not used to this hot weather. We were almost hiding in our hotel between 12 to 4 pm everyday whilst we see all Swedes happily roasting away under the hot sun.
Mallorca is fantastic and our kind relatives, Aunt Mei and Ivan directed us to some great places. I think the pictures are not good enough to describe how beautiful the island is. We had 8 fun days of good tapas, seafood and wine…and all very sun kissed at the end of the trip.
We brought the kids to Berlin for some fun time with more Lego and Barbie. Nicke and I found our own way to enjoy with good food and drinks at the same time.
It was super warm in Berlin and we had to make so many stops for drinks and ice cream. But the 3 days trip was really great with wonderful food and very well behaved kids.
Summer holiday is what the kids look forward to every year. It is the best time for the kids. Imagine 10 weeks of summer vacation when the days are extremely long.
This year, we celebrated with good friends in Skansen. It was great. Thank you so much Uncle Robert and Rebecca for hosting this fabulous party.
Linn is wearing the traditional swedish costume.
If ever you want Jonathan to smile for you, just mention LEGO.