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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

I love you Mama

home Posted on 2012-05-15 07:23

Happy Mother’s day to my dearest mum. I always thought that my mother was very very hard on us when I was growing up. Being a mum myself, I now understand how hard it must have been to bring up 4 girls without help – to cook, clean, teach, discipline, ensure that they get to school, look after them when they are sick, and put them to bed. She had to be hard to get things under control.

Now to think of what a kind, loving and self sacrificing person she is, I think it must have been really difficult being hard and strict with us. She was a true Tiger mum. When I was young, i never saw her virtues until i grew up. In fact, I will even admit that I do not fully understand her . Something that I should really try harder to.

Despite our differences, I know that she will do anything for her husband and family. Even if it means sacrificing her own time and happiness. I used to suffer from insomnia. I still do. I will always remember how she would stay up and lie next to me to comfort me… and she would sing to me a song that I will sing to my own kids when they cannot sleep.

So this Mother’s day, i just want to say I love you mama and I do appreciate you. Very very much!


home Posted on 2012-05-05 09:47

Spring time in Sweden can be really wonderful if the sun is up and shining. Unfortunately, somedays can still be wet and miserable.

Today is an example. It is still chilly at 5 degrees in the day time and the weather forecast says that there could still be the possibility of snow in some parts of Sweden. We are fast approaching summer and it is unbelievable that snow is still possible. Well, let’s really hope not.

But if the sun is out, it can be really really nice. Last weekend, we went out for some really nice walks in the forests and lakes.


home Posted on 2012-05-05 09:21

On the 30th April, Sweden celebrated Välborg with huge bonfires all around Sweden. It was really interesting specially for the kids.

We joined in the celebration this year as the weather was really good. It started with a big gathering for the entire neighbourhood and all proceeded to walk to the selected field and people were holding fire torches. It was the first for Linn and Jon and they thought it was really cool to walk with all other children holding fire torches in their hands.

Nichlas, Farmor, kids and I walked for around 2 km to the bonfire and when it was lighted up, it was nice and warm. It was around 5 degrees at that time.’

When it got dark at around 9.30 pm, they started the fire works. It was really magical

We were happy as the kids enjoyed the experience and were very well behaved even though it was way past the usual bed time.

How old are you now?

home Posted on 2012-04-29 20:57

I don’t normally like to celebrate my birthday. After having kids, I try not to think so much about getting older as I need to stay young for my kids. I always tell myself it is just a number and sometimes I trick myself into forgetting my age. Unfortunately, the body and face can never lie these days.

Swedes do not say Happy Birthday here in Sweden. They say ‘Grattis’ meaning Congratulations. I thought it is quite funny as there is nothing to congratulate for turning one year older. But that is their way of saying ‘Happy Birthday’.

I had a really nice birthday. My friends gave me a really nice surprise and brought me out to lunch on Friday. It made me felt really special and wonderful. Thank you Rizza, Vernetta, Jane and Elsa. I had a great time!

My family celebrated by going out for lunch. We had dimsum in one of the Chinese restaurants. I told Sharon, my sister who called later that day, that even the dimsum in our Singapore kopi tiam taste better. But such is the standard of chinese food here.

The kids sang me the Birthday song but Linn was cheeky. She added a new verse and sang it to the same tune as the Birthday song.

How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you now?

How to not feel old like that!


home Posted on 2012-04-15 19:30

Linn’s friend, Ella slept over last night. We thought it was really cool and we hope they had a great time.

Ella is her friend from her childcare and she is 4 years old just like Linn. They seemed to have loads of fun, playing with Barbie, Hello Kitty, drawing and watching a Barbie movie.

We thought it is a good idea to see how Linn interacts with her friends. We want to encourage her to bring home her friends so that she feels comfortable bringing her friends over as she grows older.

Linn’s Drawings

home Posted on 2012-04-09 10:36

Linn has really taken up drawing in the past few months and she is always drawing pictures of the family.

This is one of her drawings and the she drew herself to be the princess.

My Wonderful Children

home Posted on 2012-04-09 10:31

I may not show it enough or spend enough time with them but I do love my children with all my heart.

Pirate Girl

home Posted on 2012-04-09 10:21

Linn the pirate girl and she loves dressing up to be a boy these day!

Happy Easter

home Posted on 2012-04-08 09:24

When it was raining cats and dogs in Singapore on Good Friday. it was snowing and hailing in Stockholm. It was not good as some of the cars have already changed to the summer tyres and this created havoc on the roads.

Nevertheless, it is one of the kids’ favourite time of the year for good chocolate bunnies and loads of candies.

Enjoy and have a Bunny good time!

It’s Snowing Again!

home Posted on 2012-03-31 11:37

Just when we thought that Spring is really here and the flowers in the garden are just popping up…we woke up to a very very WHITE Stockholm. It is still snowing as I am writing this blog.

I thought it will be an April’s Fools joke when they said they were expecting a snow storm over the weekend. I thought it cannot be true as I think most have cleared their Winter clothes and have taken out their spring/summer collection. I have already put away the children’s winter clothes, cleaned their boots and we were starting to enjoy the spring weather in the past few days. And now it is back to 0 degrees. Jonathan asked if Christmas is around the corner.

I only realised that the snow storm could be possible when it started to hail during lunch time.

Well, you will never know with the weather here. It is really unpredictable.

Have a great weekend!

Jonathan’s Visit to the Dentist

home Posted on 2012-03-27 20:17

We are really proud of Jonathan as he went to the dentist this morning without any complaining and was very well behaved.

He listened and followed all the instructions from the dentist. He also had the moral support from Linn. Jonathan was really glad to get a present from the dentist for being so good.

Bravo Jonathan, we are so proud of you!

Bubble Bath Monsters

home Posted on 2012-03-27 20:08

The children’s latest craze … long bubble baths until they become wrinkly. They really love it.

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother

home Posted on 2012-03-26 20:23

We have seen a lot of growth in the kids lately. Specially Linn. She seems to be more aware that her brother is different from other children. But she remains protective and proud of her brother when he comes to her childcare. She will introduce Jonathan proudly and tell all her teachers and classmates that Jonathan is her brother.

Just yesterday, she helped him to draw a heart when he wants one for his drawing. She sometimes will volunter her service when he is unsure of how to complete a task.

We have told her that in she will need to be Jonathan’s older sister even though she is younger than him. She can help Mummy and Daddy to teach Jonathan new things each day. Linn has already surpassed Jonathan in the development milestones.

Of course there are days when she is so fed up with Jonathan for destroying her toys and drawings. She will complain that Jonathan don’t seem to be listening when she clearly has told him repeatedly not to destroy her precious belongings. We have to be careful with our words now with Linn. I once tried to explain to her that Jonathan is ‘special’ and she became annoyed and said ‘But I am special too’.

We always thought that it is unfair for Linn to take responsibility for Jonathan. But what Nicke and I hope to achieve is that they will just love each other and be good to one another.

I miss SIA

home Posted on 2012-03-19 22:24

A funny incident at the airport which makes me really miss Singapore Airline.

My Lufthansa flight was cancelled and I had to take the next flight together with all other disgruntled passengers. The flight was going to be really crowded. When it was time to board the plane, they did not bring us to the usual gate but we took the bus to the plane and had to board the plane by climbing up the stairs. I don’t mind it so much because it was quite unusual. But we did not expect a sudden shower. It was about 5 degrees cold and all the passengers were standing out in the rain with no umbrellas, all standing in queue waiting to board the plane. The bus driver could have kept us in the bus but he wanted us out the bus. Believe me, it was not nice and I really pity the children who had to stand in the rain.

I was thinking this sort of thing will never ever happen on Singapore Airlines!

Postman Jonathan

home Posted on 2012-03-11 12:27

Sorry for the long absence. Have been really busy lately. Nichlas has been travelling quite a bit, my schoolwork has been piling high and the kids have been keeping me really busy.

Jonathan is in a Postman phase. He said that he wants to be a postman just like ‘Postman Pat’ when he grows up. There are letters and envelopes all over the house and he leaves them lying everywhere. We have to keep a close eye on him because I spotted him going through our neighbours’ postbox as he pretends to deliver our letters to them. He evens sleeps in his pile of envelopes

Jonathan gets a kick out of receiving any mail. Nichlas and his mom have been taken turns to send letters to him by post. He looks out for the stamps and chops as well.

The most difficult part is that he keeps asking me to find his letters and he gets really upset when I cannot find it. So, it has been really really tiring being the assistant to Postman Jonathan.

The Ugly Side of Winter

home Posted on 2012-02-29 08:28

Back in Singapore, we were often exposed to the beautiful side of winter. The whiteness of the snow and how it covers houses and trees, making everything seems so flawlessly beauitful.

But we seldom get to see the end of winter, dirty and slippery the roads have become and the slush. Well, it is really not nice.

Now that winter is over, we can look forward to Spring!!!

Mummy, I want to be a boy!

home Posted on 2012-02-29 08:16

Shortly after buying all those pink, purple and yellow girly clothes for Linn, she told me that she wants to wear boys’ clothes. According to Linn, boys do not wear pink, purple or yellow.

She even requested that I cut her hair really short like what Jonathan has. I took this opportunity and shortened her hair by 10 cm.

I guess it is not so much a problem. I just let her wear Jonathan’s clothes for now until she wants to be a girl again.

A Visit to the Dentist

home Posted on 2012-02-21 09:15

Amongst the good things about Sweden, visits to the dentist for kids below 18 years old are free of charge and the dentist will send reminders every 6 months to bring their kids for a checkup.

It was time for Linn’s checkup and I told her that I will accompany her to the clinic but she will have to do the consultation with the dentist independently. I will be next to her at all times when she needed me.

Surprisingly, she actually did as she was told. She responded when the dentist called her name and followed the dentist to the room, started the conversation (in swedish) with the dentist, obediently followed all the dentist’s requests and even shared with the dentist how she brushed her teeth and had a discussion about her milk teeth. All this without me saying a word. She ended the consultation nicely and even asked if she could have an extra toy,

Quite proud of her.

Beautiful Winter day

home Posted on 2012-02-17 15:40

We are experiencing a beautiful winter day with a good blast of sunshine. The kids are still at home recovering from their winter flu but we still try get them to go outside as they should not miss the glorious sun.

It is wonderful as it has been cold recently with snow coming down fast and furious. Nicke was working the fireplace morning and night to keep the house nice and warm for us.

I met my neighbour this morning and he started talking about the weather. His exact words were

– ‘It is like summer today!’

Hullo!!!! I won’t call this summer when it is still 0 degrees outside.

Sick Kids

home Posted on 2012-02-15 13:13

The kids finally caught the winter bug and have been feverish all week.

Jonathan is also complaining alot about the pain in his legs. I think he is experiencing growing pains.

Linn has been waking up every hour in the night asking for water. Guess who has not been sleeping well for the past week? I haven’t been able to go to school and looks like I will be stuck at home all week till they get better.

I told Linn that she must have passed her sickness to Jonathan. She looked at me sadly and said ‘Yes mummy but I saved some for myself as well’.

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