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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

Chinese New Year Holiday

home Posted on 2014-03-23 18:50

Nicke and i thought that it is important for the kids to experience Chinese New Year as it is a very important Chinese tradition. We went back to Singapore for a short holiday and had a wonderful holiday in Bali with the family.

Bali was really great and we had a fantastic time with the family. It truly meant a great deal to me.

Jon and Linn had a great time spending time with Grandma, aunts, uncles, nephews. For us, it was special where we stayed in our old Wilkie 48 apartment, where we started our little family.

I think we should really try to come back every Chinese New Year if we can.

For those family and friends we did not manage to meet up in Singapore, our sincere apologies. We promise to make arrangements next time.

Happy New Year

home Posted on 2013-12-30 22:37

It has been quite a year. So many new experiences, so many new thoughts.

I can only say that I am thankful for all I have, my family, friends and loved ones for their love and support. I couldn’t have done better without you. Thank you for being there for me.

Here’s wishing all a wonderful and great 2014!

Happy Birthday Jonathan

home Posted on 2013-10-27 16:14

Time flies! Jonathan turns 8 today.

He got his favourite Lego box and it is the start of school holidays for one week.

Happy birthday, our sweet Jonathan. We love you so very very much.

The Best of Summer 2013

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:44

I think the kids had a great summer this year. We are just happy that they had a great time!

The Best of Summer 2013 – the Highlight

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:39

Jonathan mastering the courage to jump into the pool and also from the rocks into the sea!

The Best Of Summer 2013 – Swimming

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:32

The kids had so much fun in the water….they really love the water just like Nicke.

The Best of Summer 2013 – Mallorca

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:23

The weather was perfect in Sweden but we have long booked our 8 days holiday to Mallorca Spain.

It was almost 30 degrees in Mallorca everyday and the poor kids were not used to this hot weather. We were almost hiding in our hotel between 12 to 4 pm everyday whilst we see all Swedes happily roasting away under the hot sun.

Mallorca is fantastic and our kind relatives, Aunt Mei and Ivan directed us to some great places. I think the pictures are not good enough to describe how beautiful the island is. We had 8 fun days of good tapas, seafood and wine…and all very sun kissed at the end of the trip.

The Best of Summer 2013 – Berlin

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:13

We brought the kids to Berlin for some fun time with more Lego and Barbie. Nicke and I found our own way to enjoy with good food and drinks at the same time.

It was super warm in Berlin and we had to make so many stops for drinks and ice cream. But the 3 days trip was really great with wonderful food and very well behaved kids.

The Best of Summer 2013 – Sweden

home Posted on 2013-08-08 16:03

Summer holiday is what the kids look forward to every year. It is the best time for the kids. Imagine 10 weeks of summer vacation when the days are extremely long.

The Best Of Summer 2013 – Stockholm

home Posted on 2013-08-08 15:57

We had a great summer in Sweden. It was almost sunny most of the days.

The Best Of Summer 2013 – Midsummer

home Posted on 2013-08-08 15:55

This year, we celebrated with good friends in Skansen. It was great. Thank you so much Uncle Robert and Rebecca for hosting this fabulous party.

Linn is wearing the traditional swedish costume.

Jonathan Wall The Lego King

home Posted on 2013-08-08 15:49

If ever you want Jonathan to smile for you, just mention LEGO.

Linn has graduated from Pre school

home Posted on 2013-08-08 15:47

They surely grow very very fast. I cannot believe she is starting official school after summer.

My lilla Linn is 6 today

home Posted on 2013-08-08 15:36

Time really flies. Happy Birthday my darling Linn. You have taught me many things and I love you so much.

Be happy always


The Queks Invade Stockholm

home Posted on 2013-06-09 13:48

We had the wonderful pleasure of the Queks visiting us in our humble abode.

Summer is a really wonderful time to visit Sweden. We may not have the opulence of the other European cities like France and Italy, but the ‘no frills’ simplicity can be charming in many ways.

Jon and Linn had a great time with their cousin Juwin and Ki-en. They walked in the forests, biked up to the lakes and we had great walks under the beautiful blue skies.

I hope Mr and Mrs Quek enjoyed themselves. It is rare that visitors get to walk pass the Prime Minister of Sweden and walk on the same red carpet as the Royal Family celebrated Princess Madaleine’s wedding in The Grand Hotel.

Their visit meant alot to me and being with them was really special.

We hope they will come visit us again.

Spring is finally here

home Posted on 2013-05-10 23:11

Linn is happy because she get to jump on the trampoline.

Great Weekend!

home Posted on 2013-04-28 20:54

I had such a lovely weekend. Thank you my dear sister Pau Ping and mother in law, Irene for coming to Stockholm to visit me.

You made my weekend extra extra special. Thank you so much.

Kuanyee Barcelona

home Posted on 2013-03-19 19:20

airplane stay

home Posted on 2013-03-19 19:18

skiing success

home Posted on 2013-03-19 19:16

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