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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

I painted my first Easter Egg

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:57

I guess it is never too late…and i really enjoyed it.

Easter Break

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:54

We had a fantastic time this Easter at Farmor’s house. Linn went around the neighbourhood collecting easter ‘godis’. Her cousins and her dressed up in traditional costume and wore very interesting makeup. I did not noticed it but an old childhood friend of mine, Pang Kai Wei pointed out to me that they look like russian dolls.
True indeed.

Thank You Mr Lee

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:49

Words cannot describe how i feel about Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s passing. An extraodinary man who executed his vision not only with excellence but built a remarkable country over a short period of time.

I expressed my sadness to a Swedish friend who has no idea of who Mr Lee is and what he had done for Singapore. His first question was..’Was he a dictator?’. Sadly, my answer did raise question why Singapore would mourn for the loss of a dictator.

I guess perhaps Singaporeans can understand why his ‘dictatorship’ worked at a time that was most needed. He governed Singapore like how a father will look after his child. Without him, we would definitely not have a successful Singapore. Without him, I could not answer with pride when someone ask where i am from.

Thank you Mr Lee. May you rest in peace.

Katy Perry

home Posted on 2015-04-06 15:30

Nicke brought Linn to her first pop concert in March..a Katy Perry one. She has been a big fan and has been ROARing to us for quite a while. We thought she would be really excited. But i guess it was way past her bed time and she fell asleep at the end. Hilarious!!
Meanwhile, mummy had a great time snuggling with Jonathan.

All those GLORIOUS food

home Posted on 2015-03-14 20:58

We hate to admit…it took a while for our taste buds to get used to the food in Singapore. It was strange …

Thank goodness, we overcame the ‘technical failure’. and really started enjoying the food very much. It was really really wonderful and Nicke and I were eating all the time.

Linn’s favourite …was the Sugar Toast with Runny eggs.. she simply loves it.

Writing about this makes me hungry again…I am still thinking about the best Nasi Lemak i ever had in my life at Residence Quek and the biggest jumbo prawns i ever had at Residence Cundy. And of course not forgetting the delicious Reunion Dinner my mom cooked with her love.

Thank you so so much for the food extravaganza!

Tourists in our country

home Posted on 2015-03-14 20:51

Everytime we come back to Singapore, we have to bring the kids out to the various attractions. That really kept us very busy through out the 13 days. We are tourists in our country. But Singapore has changed so much in the recent years that we felt that we have to go to these tourist spots and check them out.

Things we did this time
..River Safari
..Universal Studio
..Underwater World
..Marina Bay Sands
..Kusu Islands’
.. Botanical Gardens..

The children enjoyed themselves..i think they kind of enjoyed getting away from the cold for a while.

Chinese New Year 2015

home Posted on 2015-03-14 20:36

We had a great time going back to Singapore this Chinese New Year.

Our family really spoilt us with fantastic food and the 13 days felt too short. The children really enjoyed playing with their cousins.

It was fantastic seeing our dear friends as well and those we did not manage to meet, our sincere apologies and we will try to do catch up the next time.

Thanks for another wonderful stay in Singapore.

Our year in 2014

home Posted on 2014-12-31 08:34

The Walls would like to thank family and friends for the loving support in the past year. You have been a great part of it and we hope that we will get to spend more time with you in 2015.

It seems like we did quite a lot this year.

The children have grown, specially Jonathan. He is enjoying his 9th year and gives us a lot of joys and hopes as he grows. We are proud that he tried out motor crossing and judo. He is making good progress with his reading.

Linn continues to be the loudest in the house with her numerous crazy and fun ideas. She never ceases to amaze us with her energy and pranks. She actively participated in school activities and perservered in Saturday’s Chinese class even though she hates it.

Nicke has been my rock in his own special way. He can be hard at times when it comes to family matters but it is good when i am too soft at times, and a balance is required. Thank you Nicke for everything. Loved our 10th year anniversary. Thank you for loving me through everything and being there for me.

We had great family vacations in Singapore, Bali with our family in Singapore, Edinburg in April and a wonderful summer vacation in Corfu. Linn and I had good mother-daughter time in Paris whilst Nicke and Jonathan bonded over chocolates in Munich.

Spending time with Nicke’s family has been great. Farmor as always is fantastic and the love and care she showers us is so greatly appreciated.

And all our wonderful friends and family, near and far. We don’t get to see each other as much as we would like to but we cherish you in our hearts dearly all throughout the year.

All in all, thank you and have a great 2015.

Happy Holidays

home Posted on 2014-12-27 10:41

And may all your Dreams come true.

10 Years Ago

home Posted on 2014-11-14 21:18

Nicke and I recently celebrated our 10th Year Anniversary. Yes, time truly flies and it seems like a lot have happened in the past 10 years.

Back then in 2004, we were still travelling all the time, spending fun carefree weekends in Hanoi, Japan, Chiang Mai, sneaking off holidays in Sweden, Paris, London. Now, we are at the mercy of school holidays and can hardly take any romantic weekends together.

Yes, it was really sweet and fun then. But i so love our family now. Sometimes the kids can drive us truly crazy but they also make us so happy at times.

I like to thank my wonderful husband, Nicke. It wouldn’t be possible without him.


Disney Stars

home Posted on 2014-11-04 19:18

We could not resist taking some pictures of them.

Disneyland Paris…here we come

home Posted on 2014-11-04 19:16

Linn and I spent 2 full days in Disneyland Paris and had a really Funtastic time. The first Disney holiday for us.

As soon as we went past the entrance gates, Linn was out of sight and she was so excited. I had to hold on to her and even insisted that she carried a little note in her jeans, listing my contact details just in case she gets lost.

It was the Halloween weekend and they did up the entire park in true halloween style. Really fun to watch. We enjoyed all the rides and including the spooky ones. Linn and I are not big on roller coaster rides and so we skipped those. The park was super super crowded and we stood in line for almost an hour for some rides. It was rather surprising that Linn waited patiently in line most of the time.

Truly one great funtastic experience.

First Girl’s Trip

home Posted on 2014-11-02 23:06

The girls just got back from Paris and had a wonderful funtastic time..and our first mother and daughter trip.

I chose Paris as I wanted to show Linn one of my favourite cities in the world. She only was excited to see the Eiffle Tower and of course, Paris Disneyland.

What was her first impression …she wondered how can it be so beautiful when it did not smell so good.

She really liked the Eiffle Tower and insisted on climbing all the way to the second floor. I would never have waited in line for 2 hours to climb, but she convinced me that she wanted to. She loved it.

We had a great day in Paris…eating Nutella crepes, drinking hot chocolate, macaroons etc.

It was really special for me to spend a day with Linn. She has so much energy but she did complain walking from Chatelet Les Halles all the way to Eiffle Tower and back.

Happy Birthday Jonathan

home Posted on 2014-10-27 17:43

We wish you a wonderful day full of hugs and kisses

My little Prince Jonathan Wall

home Posted on 2014-10-26 20:24

Dear Jonathan

Nine years ago, around this time, i was really nervous as I was about to see you in a few hours. Giving birth was at that time really scary to me but at the same time, I really wanted to hold you in my arms.

Nine years later, I have grown to love you as you are, Jonathan, my very wonderful child. You changed me so much and I know that there is so much more mummy can do for you. Thank you for being so patient with me and for teaching me so many new things. It is uncanny that you like exactly the same food as mummy – cookies, chocolate, cake, chicken, candy, ice cream. We are alike in so many ways.

There are times Mummy has been really tough on you. Like trying to teach you to play piano and mathematics. I am sorry for being so hard on you. I know I should be more patient with you as you have a simple pure heart, and you are most fragile when stressed. Learning is difficult for you and I know you are trying your best. If you bear with me, Mummy will try harder and be better.

So on your 9th birthday my son, I want to wish you great happiness and that you will always enjoy the simple things in life.

I am very proud of you Jonathan and love you very much.

Love and Kisses,

Princess Linn turns 7

home Posted on 2014-08-08 16:38

Special ‘milestones’ achieved in the past year…

– grew by at least 10cm (still the smallest in class but also the feistiest)
– learnt how to dive decently (mummy cannot even do what you can do)
– built your stamina to swim a good 50m (credit goes again to pappa)
– danced at a first public concert (and had a really good time)
– sang solo in a school’s concert (and was not even scared)
– lost many milk teeth (and now, you should really look after your teeth)
– started proper school (and you think it is so much cooler than kindergarden)
– finally started proper chinese lessons (and mummy cannot sleep in on Saturday mornings)
– quit horse riding (sorry, not able to tolerate the smell is a very bad excuse)
– learnt how to read (yes, again, credit to pappa)
– developed your own fashion sense (now mummy cannot dress you up the way she likes)

Our dear Linn, here’s wishing you a very very happy birthday to you and we love you so very much.

My first fish spa

home Posted on 2014-08-02 16:04

It really tickles when the fishes kiss my feet.

I met Hattie, a 5 year old british girl from Surrey in Corfu. Her mummy was so nice to give us a fish spa treat. We played Uno and went to a great beach party together. There was fireworks and lots of dancing. We had such great fun.

Free Flow Ice Cream

home Posted on 2014-08-02 15:58

I like!!!!

Corfu Town

home Posted on 2014-08-02 15:56

We spent a couple of wonderful days walking around the town and soaking in the greek culture. It is a very interesting city and the locals were telling us that this is the worst summer in the past 30 years. Their usual summer is without rain and they always have clear skies everyday. They were complaining about cloudy skies and a small thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

Me and my bror

home Posted on 2014-08-02 15:50

They are always fighting but it is always a delight to see them playing together (which is quite rare).

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