We rarely go to parties these days but we attended 3 yesterday. (Kids birthday parties are to be excluded)
We (Nicke, the kids, my mom and I) had a great BBQ with my classmates from China in the afternoon. I met them in my Swedish class and we really get along. Nicke was the only non-chinese there. The BBQ was similar to the BBQs we have back in Singapore with many different varieties of BBQ meat….even BBQ chicken gizzard which I really missed.
In the evening, Nicke and I attended my classmates’ (also from Swedish class) party. They were largely from Russia, Iran and Poland. We could only conversed in simple basic Swedish and again, Nicke was the only Swede there.
Lastly, we attended Mats (Nicke’s Swede Friend) very Swedish birthday party. I was the only non-swede there. We got home at 1 am which was actually the first time in many years.
Now, i feel really old, tired and sleepy. I think my party days are really really behind me.