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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

Swedish Midsummer

home Posted on 2011-06-24 19:14

Today is Sweden’s 2nd biggest holiday after Christmas. It is Midsummer Festival and the day with the longest daylight.

We spent the entire day outdoor and celebrated in typical Swedish fashion. We went to the forest and danced around the ‘fertility pole’. It was quite fun and the kids love it.

We had another reason for staying outdoors. Our Russian painters are working overtime painting our house and so we have no choice but to keep the children out.

Summer Parties

home Posted on 2011-06-19 10:55

We rarely go to parties these days but we attended 3 yesterday. (Kids birthday parties are to be excluded)

We (Nicke, the kids, my mom and I) had a great BBQ with my classmates from China in the afternoon. I met them in my Swedish class and we really get along. Nicke was the only non-chinese there. The BBQ was similar to the BBQs we have back in Singapore with many different varieties of BBQ meat….even BBQ chicken gizzard which I really missed.

In the evening, Nicke and I attended my classmates’ (also from Swedish class) party. They were largely from Russia, Iran and Poland. We could only conversed in simple basic Swedish and again, Nicke was the only Swede there.

Lastly, we attended Mats (Nicke’s Swede Friend) very Swedish birthday party. I was the only non-swede there. We got home at 1 am which was actually the first time in many years.

Now, i feel really old, tired and sleepy. I think my party days are really really behind me.

Summer Flowers

home Posted on 2011-06-15 19:00

Photos taken by Linn

Hanging out with PoPo

home Posted on 2011-06-12 20:11

I must say that Po Po has been really really patient with Linn. I kept reminding my mother that she was alot stricter and less patient with me when I was a child. So I wonder if you get more patient as you get older.

I am hoping that Linn is going to catch up on her chinese with my mother. The only words I heard her muttered so far is ‘Bu Yao!” (Don’t want!)

Happiness with Farmor and Mormor

home Posted on 2011-06-12 20:04

The kids were very lucky to spend time with both grandmothers this weekend. We had a great time together!

Gustav Studenten

home Posted on 2011-06-12 20:00

On Friday, we drove to Koping to attend Gustav’s graduation from “Gymnasiet”. It was really great to be part of his family, coming together to celebrate this very special occasion. In Sweden, this marks the start of ádulthood and independence.

I can feel Joakim’s and Maria’s pride and joy for their son. I too shed some tears of joy during the event!

Gratis Gustav and enjoy your university life! We are very happy for you too!

Jonathan finishes Kindergarten

home Posted on 2011-06-12 19:50

My mother and I attended Jonathan’s graduation from his kindergarten last Wednesday. It was really nice. For the first time, Jonathan fully participated in a dance item and he followed the movements, co-ordination and completed the dance together with all his classmates. It really put a smile on my face! In the past, he would just run away and hide.

Here he is with his shadow teacher, Sabrina whom I think has worked really hard on Jonathan in the past 9 months. We owe Jonathan’s good progress to this wonderful lady.

Farm Visit

home Posted on 2011-06-05 14:29

The children love going to the farm. Their favourite for the day is the pony ride. It was fun guiding the ponies around the farm ourselves. I hope my mother liked it too.

Jonathan’s Motor Skills

home Posted on 2011-06-05 14:15

Nicke has been working hard on Jonathan’s motor skills. We encouraged him to climb trees and do all kind of outdoor sports to improve his confidence and exposure to different activities. He is doing ok but still he needs a lot of pushing.

It has been 9 months since Jonathan met his shadow teacher, Sabrina. In a recent discussion, she described Jonathan as a ‘different’ boy since she first met him. Jonathan now speaks Swedish all the time and he is willing to play with other kids. We hope that he will continue to make good progress when he starts official school this August.

Last night, we were really proud of him as he slept alone in the tent outdoors all by himself. He loves camping and he was really excited. He slept soundly in his sleeping bag until the next morning.

Our Giant Rhubarb Plant

home Posted on 2011-06-05 14:04

No prizes for guessing what we will be eating alot this summer…

Summertime Fun

home Posted on 2011-06-04 09:17

showing my mom the glorious swedish summer.

Little Miss Trouble

home Posted on 2011-06-02 07:16

We have been disciplining our little one. We have been telling her if she continues to misbehave, she will not go with us to LegoLand next month. Nichlas and I will bring only Jonathan with us to LegoLand. Jonathan has been only talking about Legoland for the past 2 weeks and I think he is really looking forward to the trip.

But Linn continued to disobey and we finally told her that we have to exclude her from the trip. She whined a little bit but calmly said that if she cannot go to Legoland, she needs me to stay at home with her because she cannot be alone.



home Posted on 2011-05-31 14:16

My mother and sister are finally here for a visit. It is so great to see them and specially my mother who has travelled all the way from Singapore on her own.

Look out for the Police Princesses

home Posted on 2011-05-27 07:51

Bella and Linn having fun

Linn’s First Theatre

home Posted on 2011-05-27 07:49

My little girl’s first appearance in the school’s theatre and she played an ice cream princess. She was really excited and happy. We are so proud of her.

Nature Walks

home Posted on 2011-05-27 07:45

The kids love to go out into the forests. They do this all the time in their daycare and we sometimes do it during the weekends. Do I like it? It is beautiful but I am usually too busy looking out for the huge ants and other insects as we go along. Now that the warm weather is here, the insects are out in full force making up for lost times.

Pause It!

home Posted on 2011-05-24 15:16

I think it is funny that Linn likes to ‘pause it’ when she cannot finish her food or want to take a break from something. For example, she cannot finish eating her sandwich in the morning and so, she will put her half eaten sandwich in the fridge saying that she wants to ‘pause it’ and come back later to eat it.

So pause it…till the next blog.

P/S: I do think this is Linn’s way of getting away with not finishing her food.


home Posted on 2011-05-20 22:16

Tonight, i will have the house to myself. Nicke is camping with the kids in our garden. (No, i did not throw them out)

The first camping experience for the kids…I am sure they will sneak into the house in the middle of the night.

Our Failed Attempt at DIY Painting

home Posted on 2011-05-20 22:07

Ok…I admit defeat. It is really ‘a pain in the neck’ to paint the ceiling.

After numerous hours and several coats of paint, the ceiling is still ‘blotchy’. What a mess…there is paint everywhere! And my poor neck!

This is just the ceiling in our smallest room in the house…our first ceiling. We haven’t even started painting the walls.

Sigh. I think we will just bite the bullet and call in the professionals.

Pictures from Prague

home Posted on 2011-05-20 21:45

I cannot believe I took more than 200 pictures for just one trip.

Top 3 Highlights of the trip

1. The dinner at La Degustation ( …think molecular gastronomy). It was out of this world.

2. Listening to an open air concert in Prague Castle

3. Reading in the Library

But throughout the trip, I keep playing the Mission Impossible Theme song in my head.

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