We have been back in Sweden for almost a week now. Well, the kids are slowly adjusting to the time zone sleeping at 8.30 pm and waking up at around 6 pm. I, on the other hand, will take a while to adjust as I am still waking up at 4 am every morning.
We had a great trip back to Singapore. The familiarity and the warmth of family and friends is really comforting. It was really nice to be back.
It was hard on the kids in the first 2 weeks. They had to get over jet lag in the first week and in the second week, they fell sick as they were not used to the environment and heat. I was really looking forward to meeting our friends but had to cancel meetings as the kids were too sick to get out of the house. Linn was bitten by a rabbit and Jon caught the flu. But we all recovered in time for the great Bali trip and we had such a wonderful time there.
Overall, I would say that these are the top highlights of the trip…
1. Staying with the Queks in their 7 star resort home with cable, food, snacks, wine, laundry and LEGO on demand. Seriously, we are truly blessed. Thank you so much!
2. Bali … Fantastic Villa, Great food, 24 hour butlers, massages, champagne every day, unique shopping…we were pampered!
3. Meeting friends and family ….It was great to catch up with my dear family and good friends. I would have loved to spend more time with friends but it was hard with sick kids. Also being a recluse in Stockholm for such a long time has seriously impaired my planning skills with scheduling meetings. There are dear friends that I did not have time to meet. Thousand apologies…i promise next time.
4. Chinese Channel on SCV … well, I was pretty stuck in the house with sick kids. It was great entertainment for me. Entertainment that I really missed.
5. Chinese food,desserts and soups… needless to say,my waistline expanded quite a bit during my stay. I must say that the best food I ate during the visit were the 8 Unique ‘Xiao Long Bau’ in Paradise Dynasty.
and a lot more actually…but think i better stop here. It is hard enough to get used to the life back in Stockholm once again. 🙂
Can’t wait till the next return trip…