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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

My Sweetie

home Posted on 2012-01-12 19:22

Linn drives me crazy at times specially when she does not listen to instructions and always testing the boundaries. But at times, she puts a smile on my face.

It was one of those evenings when I felt really dishearten and sad. I was visibly upset and Linn was trying to console me.

Linn said like she really meant it…’Mummy, you can cry on my shoulder’.

And she then placed my head on her small shoulder and patted me on my head to sooth the sadness….

School Term starts

home Posted on 2012-01-10 18:41

The kids have started their school term and Jonathan has weekly skating and swimming sessions as part of his school curriculum. We think it is excellent for his motor skills. But somehow he never seems to be tired.

Linn is super active in school, constantly demanding action and interaction. Sometimes she gets so tired that she will go straight to bed when she returns from school.

But the weather can be quite tough on the kids. Jonathan’s taxi picks him at 8 am in the morning when it is still dark and drops him home at 5 pm in the evening when it is already dark. On some mornings, when he does not want to get out of bed, he will say that it is not morning time since it is dark outside. At times at 3 pm in the afternoon on weekends, he will actually protest and say ‘it cannot be night time yet’.

Linn on the other hand, does not care and does not mind being outdoors in the dark.

As for their mother, she is happily tucked at home, occasionally enjoying a nice glass of wine, appreciating the warmth from the fireplace specially in the cold, long winter nights, presented lovingly by her husband.

Cheers everyone!

A little bit of snow ….finally

home Posted on 2012-01-10 11:05

We are having a rather strange winter with very little snow in Stockholm.

Now that the kids have seen the snow, they think Christmas is coming again!!! Maybe they are just being cheeky.

Loo’s Traditional Christmas Party

home Posted on 2011-12-31 12:59

One of my dearest friend, Chin Loo will always throw a fantastic Christmas party at the end of the year and celebrate with some of our closest friends since our RJC friends. For me, it also marks the celebration of another year of our beautiful friendship since the group started when we were 17 years old. And I have known Chin Loo and Chin Chien since we were in Primary 1.

I really miss you girls. It was great seeing them again – Loo, Chien, Al, and Suvien. We miss you at the party Ming, Gek and Liz and hope to see you all again soon.

Here’s to you my precious friends. Have a wonderful 2012!

Food we had missed!

home Posted on 2011-12-31 10:33

There’s more but we cannot share unsightly pictures of us stuffing our faces!

My Best Friend – Anan

home Posted on 2011-12-31 10:31

So good to see you!

Old Friends

home Posted on 2011-12-31 10:28

I want to go back to Ki-en’s house!

home Posted on 2011-12-31 10:20

Jon’s favourite place….

Our dearest in Singapore

home Posted on 2011-12-31 10:06

Bali High

home Posted on 2011-12-31 09:54

What can I say, our resident sommelier(s) were excellent. Great Job!

Happy Meals in Bali

home Posted on 2011-12-31 09:48

Best of Bali

home Posted on 2011-12-31 09:44

Hanging out in Singapore

home Posted on 2011-12-31 09:35

Fantastic Time in Singapore

home Posted on 2011-12-30 13:31

We have been back in Sweden for almost a week now. Well, the kids are slowly adjusting to the time zone sleeping at 8.30 pm and waking up at around 6 pm. I, on the other hand, will take a while to adjust as I am still waking up at 4 am every morning.

We had a great trip back to Singapore. The familiarity and the warmth of family and friends is really comforting. It was really nice to be back.

It was hard on the kids in the first 2 weeks. They had to get over jet lag in the first week and in the second week, they fell sick as they were not used to the environment and heat. I was really looking forward to meeting our friends but had to cancel meetings as the kids were too sick to get out of the house. Linn was bitten by a rabbit and Jon caught the flu. But we all recovered in time for the great Bali trip and we had such a wonderful time there.

Overall, I would say that these are the top highlights of the trip…

1. Staying with the Queks in their 7 star resort home with cable, food, snacks, wine, laundry and LEGO on demand. Seriously, we are truly blessed. Thank you so much!

2. Bali … Fantastic Villa, Great food, 24 hour butlers, massages, champagne every day, unique shopping…we were pampered!

3. Meeting friends and family ….It was great to catch up with my dear family and good friends. I would have loved to spend more time with friends but it was hard with sick kids. Also being a recluse in Stockholm for such a long time has seriously impaired my planning skills with scheduling meetings. There are dear friends that I did not have time to meet. Thousand apologies…i promise next time.

4. Chinese Channel on SCV … well, I was pretty stuck in the house with sick kids. It was great entertainment for me. Entertainment that I really missed.

5. Chinese food,desserts and soups… needless to say,my waistline expanded quite a bit during my stay. I must say that the best food I ate during the visit were the 8 Unique ‘Xiao Long Bau’ in Paradise Dynasty.

and a lot more actually…but think i better stop here. It is hard enough to get used to the life back in Stockholm once again. 🙂

Can’t wait till the next return trip…

God Jul

home Posted on 2011-12-25 11:37

Barely 2 hours after we touched down at Stockholm, we were on the way to Farmor’s house in Köping. Farmor in her usual christmas tradition prepared a very special christmas feast. It was a great welcome home after a long trip. God Jul.

Great Bali Trip

home Posted on 2011-12-17 01:41

Our family just got back from a week trip in beautiful Bali. Everything was perfect. Thanks to the Queks for organising such a successful trip. It wasn’t easy planning a trip for all 18 of us.

The kids had a great time. We ate far too much and drank at least 30 bottles of wine and champagne. The food was great and most importantly, the company was fantastic. The kids love the villa so much that they don’t really want to go anywhere. More photos to come.

It will be really difficult to top this trip. Definitely one unforgettable trip.

Greetings from Singapore

home Posted on 2011-11-28 11:34

Hello from rainy and humid Singapore. It is nice to be back. We arrived last evening and were lucky that the kids were really well behaved on the flights. But they were a complete nightmare last night when they could not sleep at all. They only fell asleep in the early morning at 6 am. So I guess you cannot get everything!

We had a wonderful welcome from the family with all our favourite food, popiah, roast duck, chicken, pork and bbq pork and all the traditional kweh that we missed. Thank you so much.

Will get in touch with all friends once we get over this jet lag! Won’t torture our friends when we are so crabby from the jet lag.

Linns Önskelista för Tomten

home Posted on 2011-11-25 09:39

Hej Tomten

Jag har varit snäll till Jonathan och jag tror att jag ska få många presenter från dig.

Den här är min önskelista. Det är lite billigare för att jag önskar inte så många Legosaker. Du kan handla de flesta av dem i ToysRUs.

1. Fashion Girl Salongset (Varunr: 143255) Sidan 68. (Min mamma gillar inte för att hon tycker att jag är för ung för att måla mina naglar)

2. Disney Princess Cinderalla Glass Slipper Spel (Varunr: 026816) Sidan 10.

3. Barbie Fashion City (Varunr 026846) Sidan 10.

4. Belville Lego. Solskenshuset 7586 (Varunr 153948) Sidan 42.

5. Binden Djurtstudio (143369) Sidan 50 BR Önskeboken

Snälla…..jag kommer att blir glad om jag kan ha presenter.

Vi ses snart.

God Jul.

Kram och puss,

Jonathans Önskelista för Tomten

home Posted on 2011-11-25 09:15

Hej Tomten,

Hur mår du? Du måste vara så upptagen nu.

Jag har varit en snäll pojka och den här önskelista är vad jag önskar för Jul. Jag vet att många STAR WARS leksaker inte billiga. Men du behöver inte oröa sig. Lego gubbar kommer att blir bra.

Jag önskar mig

1. Mace Windu’s Jedi Starfighter (7868)

2. Sith Nightspeeder(7957)

3. T-6 Jedi Shuttle (7931)

4. Lego Creator : Bergshu (5771)

5. Hoth Echo Base (7879)

Det finns ingen snö ännu. Kan vi fa lite snö till Jul också? Det finns inte Jul utan snö.

Tack så mycket! Vi ses snart!

God Jul!

Kram och Puss,

But Mummy

home Posted on 2011-11-23 12:39

But Mummy…Why you forget that it is photo taking day in school? I really don’t like this Hello Kitty shirt because the Hello Kitty is not pretty and I don’t like black.

But don’t worry mummy…I will still smile for the camera.

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