I have to do the inevitable and submitted the following today.

1) ‘Notice of Termination’ To Linn’s Playschool – Pat’s SchoolHouse

2) ‘Notice of Termination’ to Jon’s school – St Gerard’s School

3) ‘Letter of Resignation’ to my employer – Nokia Pte Ltd

I must say that it was difficult, specially the last one. It has been a good 7 years with Nokia – A comfortable job, good company to work for and i met some really nice people, whom i hope i will remain in contact. It is with great sadness that i handed in my resignation. Most people know anyway because of Nicke. I think it will be bigger news if I don’t join him.

The other 2 were also difficult as the schools have been good to Linn and Jonathan. They made good friends there and most importantly, they are happy.

But life goes on. I know that we have to make this move for Jonathan’s sake. Anything for our precious child.

It will be worth it. We will never know till we try.