It’s hard to be a supermom. One who can hold a full time job, run a good household, and be there 24/7 for your kids and husband. I wonder how some women do it. Maybe it is in their genes. But definitely not mine.

Occasionally, i consoled myself that it is alright that i cannot be a supermom. I should just do my best and don’t be so hard on myself. I was watching the movie Sex in the City 2 and could totally understand what Charlotte went through with her 2 girls. They were driving her crazy but she loved them so much. And when her friends were concerned that her husband is having an affair with the sexy nanny, her main concern is that ‘she cannot lose the Nanny’!!!!

Motherhood changes you. Who would have thought that I will agree to move half way round the globe for the children’s sake. These days, my colleagues and people who knows about our move give me this look that says ‘Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing’? A colleague reminded me yesterday that i will be ‘maidless’ and have to do cleaning myself.

I think they underestimate the power of love we have for our kids. This morning, when Jonathan’s school teacher called to say that I have to take him home as he was running a fever. I just packed my bags, dropped everything and rushed to school. Nothing is more important than the children’s well being and everything seems so unimportant. I guess for my kids, i am the world to them. …also their dishwasher, storyreader, cleaner, driver, TV remote control.

It doesn’t matter if I can never be a supermom. I will just be ME and love them the best way I can.