A warning to mothers out there ‘Do not buy the Transformers toys if you are not able to put it back together’

How difficult can it be right? I thought to myself when I was choosing one for Jon. I picked Level 3 (max level 5) and it says for 5 year olds and above.

It was easy enough transforming it from a jetplane to ‘robot/alien’. But when Jon asked if I can help fix it back to Airplane…what was when the trouble started. I twisted, turned the darn toy till my fingers hurt. I still cannot put it back to an ‘Airplane’. I hid it from Jon hoping that he won’t ask for it again. And yes, i did think of throwing it away. Maybe, i leave it for Nicke to fix it when he gets back.

Maybe that is the objective of the toy…to spend hours trying to transform this toy. Can’t say that I had fun…more like tears.