It has been a really sick weekend. I can’t recall when i was this sick. Not being able to taste, smell and sleep for almost one week, it is really starting to hit my spirits.
On Saturday, I scratched the car as I was driving out of McDonald’s carpark. Really badly. But I couldn’t concentrate with kids screaming, a blocked nose and an infection that has affected my nerves.
And at the airport, Jon had an accident on the trolley and bruised his lips. Really badly!
And Jon’s and Linn’s first sleepover party at my sister’s place didn’t work too well. They just can’t sleep. I have to bring the screaming and sobbing kids home at 11.30 pm ( yes, in the middle of the Germany vs Argentina game).
I guess Saturday was really not my day!
The only relief was Nicke’s returned and it was good to have him home. Finally.