We went around looking for schools for the kids yesterday. We were talking to a school principal and when she heard that we moved around the world, leaving behind a very comfortable job, 365 days of warm weather, wonderful family and great friends to be here, she said it is ‘remarkable’. I had to move away quickly before she could see the tears in my eyes.
Maybe she thinks we are insane. It has not been an easy decision…i must say. To give up everything and start afresh. After 20 years in the corporate world, it is not easy to say that I am just me, and not with a tag behind such as ‘Szeto from XXX’.
Hmm….I wonder who I will become.
You’ll be Kuan Yee 🙂
And that will be the most important to you and family and all those nearest around you. you hang in there girl! Things will get organized sooner than you think and you will enjoy your new and more meaningful role.
“You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give”. Welcome to life!
My dear sister. You have the BEST position in the world now. I am a recruiter so I know you are in your best role :)))))You are now a ROLE MODEL. Enjoy the added responsbilities and the journey. Be proud!
hey, szet. u now get to be there for yr kids throughout their formative years. don’t rue that u don’t have a corporate job; enjoy the fact that you have the most important job in the world right now! and i envy you for that 😉
A wonderful mother!! 🙂
Girlfriend, you are not defined by a job. You have more dimensions and facets (interesting ones) than others.
This post made my eyes swell 🙁
U will become Szeto : the family anchor, homemaker, mother, wife and friend to all that matters. We are not defined by our jobs.
Miss u already. Hope u can be back soon.