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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling


home Posted on 2014-04-23 20:34

Linn lost her favourite teddy bear during the Scotland trip. She must have dropped it when she had a migraine during the trip. She is extremely fond of this bear given to her by a stranger when she was 2 years old. She used to sleep with it every night and brought it everywhere she went. She would not even throw it away when it was broken and asked me to fix it.

I asked her why she likes it so much, she said that it is because i fixed its broken leg for her and hand sewed her name on it.

She even drew a picture of her lost teddy and asked me to take it to the hotel reception, requesting them to look for it. The male receptionist was very ‘understanding’ as i tried to explain with a straight face.

This one for Joachim

home Posted on 2014-04-23 20:18

Nichlas says that we have to take a picture for his brother who loves to golf. I have no clue why. This looks like a normal golf course to me and nothing special about this rather small bridge at St Andrew’s.

One of my favourite shots

home Posted on 2014-04-23 20:13

Jon the poser

home Posted on 2014-04-23 20:12

Jon has never been good at posing. Unlike his sister who loves the camera, he cannot stand still in front of the camera and makes funny faces all the time.

But i managed to get some good shots of him which i am pretty happy with.

Easter Break – Scotland

home Posted on 2014-04-23 20:06

We went on a good 6 days holiday to Scotland over Easter. I must say that it was alot better than what I expected. The weather was fantastic and we had sunny blue clear skies for 6 days.

Wish I could say that the children were well behaved but they were fighting all the time and need timeout away from each other.

We spent 6 days looking around the city, enjoying some good Indian food, fish and chips, and just going from castles to castles.

Definitely a great trip!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!