Spring time in Sweden is really beautiful. Pretty flowers line up on the fields and they appear everywhere. What’s not to like? The temperature can be quite nice during the day around 15 degrees when the sun is out!

Our biggest task is to tend to the garden now. I am totally clueless when it comes to gardening. I cannot tell between grass, moss and weeds. So, we have a lot to figure out in the garden. For the Swedes…this must be the happiest time in the year for them. They are out there pottering away, taking care of their gardens, growing new plants and even vegetables. Nicke and I are just figuring out what to do and the stuff we need to buy like garden furniture, tools and equipment for the garden, lawnmower and BBQ pits…and the list goes on and on. No one employs the service of a gardener here. For many Swedes, home improvement and gardening are their favourite hobbies. You can even rent some small plots of land here for gardening if you do not have your own garden.

Thank goodness my mother in law came to our rescue. She really helped us to fix the garden. We discovered we have some berries bushes, rhubarb plants and all kinds of flowers. She advised us to wait and see what will grow in the next couple of weeks. Which makes it quite mysterious and interesting.

So we are really looking foward to spending more time in our garden and having some outdoor fun. Do come join us!