We have seen some progress with Jonathan in the past few months. He is more vocal these days with Swedish.
The AutismCenter here have been working on him indirectly. Unlike the Singapore’s system where they trained Jonathan every other day for 2-3 hours, the Autismcenter here believes in training the parents and teachers. The consultant shows us how to engage Jonathan and set goals for the parents and shadow teacher. We need to work on Jonathan 15 hours a week with exercises. The consultant meet with the child, parents and teacher once every 2 weeks to check on Jonathan’s progress and make any changes to the goals.
Jonathan’s shadow teacher has been working very hard on him and we do see good progress with him. The other children in school are also very nice to Jonathan and Jonathan doesn’t seem to mind school so much. Everytime I asked him what he did in school, his response was standard …’Jag lekar’ (I play) He also enjoyed all the outings in the school and they have been to a few museums, theater, plays and parks etc.
He is also starting to show some emotions. The other day when Linn accused Jonathan for hitting her, he told me with tears in his eyes that he did not. We believed him of course!
We only hope that we can help him develop to his full potential. We are still at the start of this life-long journey.
I am still hoping to find his other interests and not just Star Wars and Lego. 🙂
We are so proud of Jonathan and his family :))))
lots of love and kisses from Uncle Adrian, Da Yi, Evan and Kyle.
So good to hear the good result!great parents!
That’s great news Szeto. Am sure this made your move to Sweden worth it 🙂
Hey, like u say, legos r expensive, not a bad potential
Love is the BEST gift! This is great news. Hang in there … you are doing great.
Happy for you & for Jonathon on the progress made
Great to hear, my friend. I am sure with such TLC, he will get better.