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The Walls invade Sweden

the blog is about stuff that the wall family does in Sweden and when traveling

I not stupid Mummy!

home Posted on 2010-06-21 05:44

Jonathan is going through an Ironman phase. He has been holding on to his Ironman toy for the past month and does everything with it. He even swims with it.

Nicke has passed him the Ironman comic book and Jonathan has been asking me to read the comic book to him every night. The problem is…i don’t know Ironman stories. So I have to make up one every night about what Ironman does with Dr Doom.

Last night, when i was having a really bad migraine, I started with Ironman being good friends with Dr Doom and they went out to play together and then I said ‘The End’.

Jon’s response was “But Mummy, ‘The End’ comes at the end of the book”…as he turned to the last comic page. “We can’t end the story in the middle”. He insist that I read the 100+ page book from the beginning.

Another job for Nicke to do when he gets back. Teach Jon how to read comics.


home Posted on 2010-06-21 05:30

Jonathan and Linn really take after their father when it comes to swiming. They love the water.

They have been taking swimming classes for the past 6 months and i am very proud that Jonathan is now starting to make some progress. His stamina has improved and feels comfortable going to a deeper end to tread water. He even refused help when we try to pull him out of the water and continues to pop in and out of the water.

Linn on the other hand has her moments. She tells the swimming coach ‘Teacher Edward’, that she does not want to put her head in the water during her swimming lesson. But she loves to jump into the water using the dive board. Obviously she is so comfortable with Teacher Edward that she jumped 3 times yesterday with no fear.

Here we are celebrating cousin Evan and Kyle’s 1st birthday. When we first arrived at the pool side party, Jon and Linn immediately took off their clothes and jumped into the pool. The thing is, I wasn’t expecting them to swim and so didn’t bring their swimming costumes. So, they were the only kids running around in their underwear. Linn was the first to jump into the pool and refused to get out even after the party has ended.

Non-transformable Transformers

home Posted on 2010-06-21 05:14

A warning to mothers out there ‘Do not buy the Transformers toys if you are not able to put it back together’

How difficult can it be right? I thought to myself when I was choosing one for Jon. I picked Level 3 (max level 5) and it says for 5 year olds and above.

It was easy enough transforming it from a jetplane to ‘robot/alien’. But when Jon asked if I can help fix it back to Airplane…what was when the trouble started. I twisted, turned the darn toy till my fingers hurt. I still cannot put it back to an ‘Airplane’. I hid it from Jon hoping that he won’t ask for it again. And yes, i did think of throwing it away. Maybe, i leave it for Nicke to fix it when he gets back.

Maybe that is the objective of the toy…to spend hours trying to transform this toy. Can’t say that I had fun…more like tears.