Jonathan is going through an Ironman phase. He has been holding on to his Ironman toy for the past month and does everything with it. He even swims with it.
Nicke has passed him the Ironman comic book and Jonathan has been asking me to read the comic book to him every night. The problem is…i don’t know Ironman stories. So I have to make up one every night about what Ironman does with Dr Doom.
Last night, when i was having a really bad migraine, I started with Ironman being good friends with Dr Doom and they went out to play together and then I said ‘The End’.
Jon’s response was “But Mummy, ‘The End’ comes at the end of the book”…as he turned to the last comic page. “We can’t end the story in the middle”. He insist that I read the 100+ page book from the beginning.
Another job for Nicke to do when he gets back. Teach Jon how to read comics.