My little princess is pretty drama these days. Where did she learn all these little actions from. Whenever I give her a little treat she goes …”REALLY? You got this for me, Mummy?’ .’Thank you’. As she smiles sweety.

She told me yesterday that I have to bring her to Sweden as it is her birthday she claims.

Unlike Linn, Jonathan will just give a small smile when he receives a treat. Sometimes, he will be coy when requesting for his favourite Oreo cookie. But he can be aggressive when he wants to. He will tell me that i must say ‘YES’ to his requests and not ‘No’.

He now understands the use of money specially in supermarkets and have been requesting for the green $5 note. He tells me that he wants to just hold it and will smile when he has it. I tried to trick him by giving him some other currency (Mauritius dollar) but he only wants the Singapore note. So monopoly money will not do. I have been explaining that he needs to work for the money. So i make him tell Linn and I a fairy tale to earn the money. But I really didn’t expect him to start asking for money at this age.:(

These days, Jon even negotiates. I have forbidden him to bring his Ironman to school as he lost the previous one. He told me that he wants to bring Ironman to school but he will leave Ironman in his schoolbag.

Who can say ‘No’ to Jonathan when he make a special request.