The digital revolution is truly daunting. I have been attending a 2 day digital training session on how to embrace the new technology as this is very much the future.
Yes I can see how social media and the web has improved our lives and gave us endless choices, possibilities, keep us connected to friends and a new definition of entertainment. I agree that it has certainly improved our lives. Like most of my peers, i facebook, blog, email and surf. But that is on top of my full time job and being mother to two very active children. So maybe women are now even better at multi-tasking but definitely, a lot more tired.
Youth these days live and breathe with WIFI. They can find everything online and don’t see the need to watch TV, radio and cinema. Who needs to watch TV when you can download the entire GLEE series online without ADs?
As much as I appreciate and enjoy the new media, i can’t help but wonder if my kids will ever enjoy the thrill of receiving a hand-written letter, and read the gossips on the actual magazine like 8 days! What will their social circle be like? How will they earn trust, honesty and respect amongst their friends? I certainly don’t hope that their most intimate relationship is with a computer and that they will be totally lost without an internet connection. Will they be able to build truly meaningful and real relationship based on trust, honesty and respect?
We cannot stop the digital evolution but we should try to nurture our children so that they can build healthy offline and online identity.