Our dearest Linn,

Congratulations on your 11th birthday and we hope that all your wishes will come true.

It has been quite a year for you. We are so proud of you as you transitioned to a new school and had a great Year 4. We know it was not easy to leave all your friends behind and start a new school term with unfamiliar faces, in an international environment and changing the primary language from Swedish to English. But you did it in your usual style and you are taking it in your own stride. You worked hard to earn all the grades and merits. We are most happy to share your achievements and watch you grow.

You even started a new sport, skateboarding which is something that you seem to enjoy physically and socially. Keep going at it Linn and we hope you enjoy the thrills and the moves you are exploring.

It is not easy growing up, specially for making decisions. It is alot easier for grown-ups with experiences as we learn from our past decisions. Sometimes, we want to steer you to make the right decisions without realising that you need to learn for your self. Whatever it is Linn, we are here for you always.

You also had great adventures, climbing glaciers,scout camps, Harry Potter London trip and also the recent Singapore/Penang trip. We hope that you will have loads of fond memories of these trips as much as we enjoyed these with you.

So have a great birthday, our little princess. You will always be our very special princess.

Love you,